Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Blessings in the Mess

2014 has been a such a good year in so many ways.

But, in other ways, this has been a hard year. We have been challenged in ways we never expected, but with those challenges has come blessings in abundance.

We have GROWN, and that often comes with some pain, doesn't it?

Often, we have to look through the tangled mess of our lives to see the blessings that are there in abundance. A Vintage Farmwife is one way I keep my eyes open for those good things.


Before, I say "Thanks for the memories" to 2013, I'm looking back at a few things on this little blog-of-mine.

Here are a few top posts of the past year in case you missed them the first time around. And you probably did. Wink!

"Hello! Hello! Is there anybody out there?"

I've chosen a few of my favorites that others seemed to enjoy, too.

Fashion: I love clothes, and fashion blogs, and cute outfits (you would never know that if you could see what I am wearing right this moment!) and I enjoyed writing a little of my thought process about it in How Not to be a Drive-by Shopper.

Travel: I was able to fulfill a bucket-list item this summer by visiting a Southern Living Design House. It was a beautiful, beautiful home and it took me 4 posts to cover what were the highlights-at least what were the highlights for me. Here is Southern Living Design House...Part One.

Farm Kitchen: I've tried quite a few new recipes this year, many of which came from pinterest. Some of them were winners, but I find my own recipe box and my old faithful church and community organization cookbooks have the best recipes of all. I shared a yummy bread recipe in this post.

The Post I Wish More People Had Read because the experience was so life-changing for me.........Faith and Divine Appointments.

Thank you so much for taking time to stop by, read, and comment. I appreciate each one of you, and I would love to have a cup of coffee with you at a real table and have a real conversation. I would love to hear your story because I know it is an interesting one!

I hope 2014 is your best year ever, friend.



  1. Yes- It has been a year of growth and change here, too, Susan...often a road paved with tears-but a learning experience nonetheless.

    Here's hoping we all have a wonderful 2014! xo Diana

  2. I will be popping over to read some of the posts that I missed! That bread post looks amazing! And yes we do grow through the trials and pain. I have experienced them and know that with them behind me I have come out a more grateful person. Wishing you many blessings in 2014 friend!!! Nicole xoxo

  3. Here's to a fabulous 2014 in all aspects of life

  4. My son loves to make bread and he might really enjoy the one you posted. Honey makes bread taste amazing.

    And I enjoyed the one about the house, I really like the design as it is perfect for our sort of climate here with their large verandas, perfect on a hot summers day.

  5. Here's to a creative and non-drive by 2014!

  6. Hi dearest Susan! I pray you have a beautiful New Year filled with the Lord's sweet joy and His great blessings and speaking of blessings, you are just that to me :)

    Hugs to you!

  7. Happy New Year! I truly have enjoyed reading your blog ever since I wondered into blog land! May 2014 be a wonderful year for you!


I am so glad you stopped by for a visit. I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment so we can become friends!

XOXO Susan