A few weeks ago, I went to Yoga Camp in Arizona.. While
there, I was refreshed with living water
and time to reflect and focus on my BFF-Jesus Christ.
We spent a lot of time being reminded just who we are because of our relationship with our
Heavenly Father because of our
relationship with His Son.
On the last day, we had our “graduation” ceremony and were
anointed to go home and share what we learned with others. As part of this
ceremony, our small group leader spoke encouraging words to each of us. When
she got to me, she told me that she didn't know why, but she felt like she was
to tell me that I needed more faith-faith and trust in what my Father had
planned for me.
I was surprised by this because I thought I did have faith,
but I received her words with an open heart and have been trying to be more
aware of areas where my faith might be lacking.
As is often the case, reminders have been popping up all
around me, so I know Katie’s words were truth.
This verse was the first one I read during my quiet time
when I got home…
faith, Abraham when called to go to a place he would later receive as his
inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was
going.” Hebrews 11:8
I don't think so!
I want to be like Abraham with enough faith to step out in
the direction God points me even if I don't know where I am going exactly, or
what waits for me when I arrive. I know the scriptures say that God has good
plans for me (and you) plans to prosper me and not hurt me. So, I place my trust in Him and try to LISTEN
to what the Holy Spirit is guiding me to do.
Don't misunderstand. I don't think God is planning anything
greater for me than he is planning for any of the rest of HIS children. But I am his dearly loved child and HE has
work for me that will not only bless others but will be the BIGGEST blessing for me, too. That
seems to be the way GOSPEL living
works. The same holds true for you, friend.
I don't want to miss those blessings, do you?
The Bible is full of real-life stories of people who did the
next right thing and in the process were used by God in huge ways that resulted
in showers of blessings being poured out to many people.
Can you say Joseph?
Mary Magdalene?
These were just ordinary people like you and me who had Divine Appointments that led to BIG THINGS.
Kind of gives me the shivers. How about you?
Yesterday, we received our summer magazine from World Vision,
and in it I found this encouragement…
“God has invited you to join him in changing
the world.
God has a dream for this world
that Jesus called the kingdom of God.
God created you to play an
important role in his kingdom vision.
And you will never find your
deepest purpose in life until you find your place in building God’s kingdom.”
Yowzer. This is BIG STUFF, people.
Let’s link arms, listen to the Holy Spirit, get busy, and
see what God does!