02 03 A Vintage Farmwife: Run. Don't Walk! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Run. Don't Walk!


I spent the last week in beautiful Arizona training to be a Holy Yoga instructor. We did lots and lots of yoga. I sweat. And learned. And stepped way out of my comfort zone.

I learned that out of my comfort zone is a wonderful place to be.

I had no idea that I was going to the desert to be splashed and filled and to swim in the LIVING WATER. I had no idea I was so dry.

And needy.

And had a heart that I was slowly allowing to turn to stone.

I was stuffing and stuffing and stuffing sadness and discouragement that God released big time. I am now feeling JOY again.

Like so many of you, I keep a gratitude journal. I want to share a few things I was thankful for during my time in the beautiful, rugged Sonoran desert.

1. the presence of Jesus.

2. glorious fellowship and acceptance of His sweet women.

3. beauty in my surroundings -God's amazing creativity

4. good healthy food prepared by willing hands

5. God's love showed up to me in so many ways through my conversations with others-you really do show your love through others who love Jesus. May I show that love to everyone I meet so that they might see YOU in me

6. for courage to try new things, which could only have come from YOU

7. for tears that needed to be shed and for the feeling of release that brings

8. for the plans YOU have for me. Plans which will fulfill me because YOU know me better than I know myself

9. for forgiveness and grace

10. for strength and perseverance to keep doing what I need to do

The heart of Holy Yoga is pure and strong and points us toward "gospel living". Run out and find a class to participate in. If there isn't one in your area, consider becoming an instructor yourself.

Come join the family!


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