Saturday, January 30, 2016

Three Things I'm Loving in January

Hello, friends!

How in the name of time did it get to be January 30? This has to have been one of the quickest Januarys ever. I hope it has been filled with satisfying and rewarding things for you and you feel healthier and more joyful than you did on January 1.

If not, I wonder what would happen if we lived intentionally in the month of February, focusing our efforts on things that would result in feeling better emotionally, physically, and spiritually.


What would we say "yes" to and what might we leave behind?

Deep stuff.
And probably the things that make for a rewarding life.

Pausing for a few moments of reflection........

Now on to more frivolous things!

I love to read posts where bloggers share the things they are presently loving. I have learned about the most interesting things from my blog buddies-items that have enriched my life, made things easier, or were just plain fun! So, I'm sharing some with you today.

3 Things I'm Loving Right Now

1. The Giving Keys

I'm not sure exactly how this company came into my radar, but I think it is the neatest idea ever. So many people are choosing One Little Word to focus on for the year instead of making resolutions, including me. My word for this year is "Free" and I'm sure a post will be coming about it sometime soon. Last year my word was "Joy" and the year before, "Learn," and the year before that, "Do," and the year before that, "Follow."

I need to order more keys!

The Giving Keys manufactures great, simple bracelets and other items with small keys stamped with the word of your choice. They invite you to wear your word, soak up your word, enjoy your word and your bracelet, and then pass it on to someone else who needs it more than you. 

My bracelet arrived last week and I've just started to wear it. I might or might not have told our son that I hoped no one needed it more than me just yet, because I LOVE my charming, little bracelet.

2. When Calls the Heart

If you are looking for a sweet, uplifting TV series that also teaches life lessons, check out When Calls the Heart.  I found it on Netflix and our three oldest granddaughters and I have spent some happy hours and devoured lots of popcorn watching it together this winter. Season Two was just released. Yeah!

3. Anastasia Eyebrow Kit

This picture has nothing to do with eyebrows, but isn't it pretty? Be still my heart, I was really there once.

I have a minor obsession with eyebrows and I've written about them here. Don't you just love a full dark brow? I do, too. However, as we move farther along on life's highway, our brows tend to thin and get lighter.

I'm kicking and screaming away from that.

Sephora sells an eyebrow system by Anastasia that involves a pencil/brush and brow gel to hold it all in place. I really like it. Possibly other make up companies sell something similar, but I haven't tried any of them. If you are eye brow interested like me, check it out on Sephora online.

That will do it for this month. Any Stitch Fixers out there? I'm waiting for my first box after the girls in my small group shared how much fun it was. I'll let you know what I think.

Please share what you are loving right now. We would all love to know!



  1. Ah - living intentionally! That is something we are concentrating on here as we go thru hubby's health issues.
    I love that Giving Key idea with the words. How perfect. My word for this year is WISDOM. Wisdom to know the right thing to do at the right time. xo Diana

  2. Oh yes, Giving Keys are so special! I haven't heard of the series but will check it out and the eyebrow kit as well. My daughter is a big shopper of Sephora and she also uses stitch fix and has gotten some of the cutest clothes through them! And an Amen to living intentionally...Thanks for your inspiration : )


I am so glad you stopped by for a visit. I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment so we can become friends!

XOXO Susan