Wednesday, July 1, 2015

How to Brighten Someone's Day (and Your Own)

Can you believe it?

I am the featured writer today over on My Freshly Brewed Life. I'm sharing what I've learned about hugs.
The power of a simple hug can change someone's day. It's a fact!
Barbie and I met through an encouragement swap a few years ago and the girls from California and Illinois have stayed in touch. Don't you love that? I do!

Hop over and read my post and stay awhile to enjoy all the goodness you will find there.

This busy gal not only maintains a great blog, she has even written a book, Coffee Talk with Jesus. I have provided the link so you can easily take a look!


This post contains affiliate links but I only suggest things I think you will enjoy.


  1. The encouragement swap has come full circle because I'm so encouraged that you all kept in touch :) off to read about hugs!!

    1. Veronica! I've missed you and must catch up. What a blessing that encouragement swap was.

  2. Susan, what a blessing to have you in my space. Your post brought a huge smile to my face and a desire to want to hug and be hugged. Sending some big virtual hugs your way!


I am so glad you stopped by for a visit. I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment so we can become friends!

XOXO Susan