Monday, June 22, 2015

Fighting Back with JOY

Have you ever heard of Margaret Feinberg? She was new to me until this spring when my friend suggested we do one of her Bible studies with our small group. I am so glad we met through the pages of her study.

A flat-out gifted teacher of the word.
And I now know that she is a big deal in the Christian publishing/speaking world. She has written 4 books and Bible studies, has been featured in lots of media, and is a popular speaker at big events like Catalyst and Thrive. She was even named one of the 50 women shaping Christian culture today.

I used to wonder who would take Beth Moore's place when she wanted to step down, but God is raising up a whole new army of wisdom.

Of course He is!

We just finished Fight Back With Joy and I can't recommend it highly enough. It was right up my alley since Joy is my One Little Word this year. I wrote about it here. I have been so encouraged with the way God has brought this word to my attention over and over since January-the power of focus, I guess.

Margaret shares from experience how she was able to find JOY in the midst of struggles and weaves the scripture and life experience together in a way that makes it understandable and APPLICABLE. I love the practicality of her teaching.

Using lots of scripture, suggestions, and bonus activities, her words became more than just words. They became solutions to problems that were holding us back from the good things God has for us.

One of my favorite sections was Embrace Celebration as a Discipline. She reminds us that God loves parties and used scripture to prove it. NonChristians often have such a distorted view of God as a big party-pooper when in fact, he is the first party planner, comedienne, dancer, decorator, and cook. We are created in HIS IMAGE, so if we enjoy these things, it is because he planted the desire in us.

If you are looking for an encouraging study that will also challenge you, try this one!

Here are links to the book, study guide, and leader's kit if you want to check it out.

This is a study that I will repeat over and over. I want to be a person who looks for JOY BOMBS, which God is throwing all around me if I will only look for them.

He is throwing them for you, too, friend!


Disclosure: I am now an Amazon Affiliate and will be compensated if you purchase something from my links. My opinion is totally my own.


  1. Thank you for recommended this one friend! I have not heard of it and would love to put it on my list! Happy day to you!! Nicole xo

  2. Hi Susan! Maybe you know that my word for the year is 'Joy' too? I've heard of this book and author, but haven't gotten it yet. Didn't she have cancer?
    Congratulations on being an Amazon Affiliate!

  3. Sounds like she is a great author and really hits the nail on the head. Glad you found her. xo Diana

  4. Hi Susan, I discovered this author some time ago (before her diagnosis) and was struck by her joy and even more so after watching her deal so gracefully with her health issues. Our Pastor's wife and a couple other ladies went to a retreat recently where Margaret was the speaker and were blessed greatly. Our Pastor's wife has also chosen joy as her "word" of the year and posts many inspiring quotes. Thanks for sharing this study - so important to fight for joy (rather than happiness) daily. (PS: Thanks for your kind comments - you made my day!)


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XOXO Susan