02 03 A Vintage Farmwife: I've Got This One, Fed-Ex! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

I've Got This One, Fed-Ex!

I've done most of my Christmas shopping online this year, so the poor UPS and Fed-Ex guys have been making fairly regular stops.

Not as many stops as they would have made in the past though, because we have cut our shopping way down this year. My sisters and I decided a few years back to forego shopping for each other and instead donate our gift money to a family in need. It has been such a blessing to us, and we hope a blessing for the family, as well.

We decided to give our kids one practical gift, so that didn't take long.

The area I really cut back was for our little granddaughters. This year, I decided to follow a plan I read about somewhere: 1 thing they need, 1 thing they want, 1 thing to wear, and 1 thing to read. This seemed like a great idea to me, and I have tried to stick with it.

Less shopping to do has left me with more energy to consider being kind to others in a more random way.

Last year, I participated in 12 Acts of Kindness, and it was soooo fun. However, the day I was planning to write my post about it didn't turn out the way I had planned. Actually, it was the day of the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook. How unbelievably sad.

Since I really enjoyed completing the 12 Acts, this year I was going to go all out and do one Act of Kindness for each year I have been alive.

Girls, that is a number larger than 39, and after thinking about it awhile, I realized this was a task more suited for a year than a few days!

All of this had me waffling around trying to decide exactly what I wanted to do. When I learned about the 12 Acts of Kindness postcards by Blue Mountain, I was inspired to quit thinking and over planning and just get busy being nice.

Each postcard has an easy-to-complete suggestion. I did some of those ideas and I'm letting the cards serve as inspiration for some random acts of my own which I will complete before Christmas.

Want to join me? Let's let all our little random acts turn into a gigantic snowball of kindness that can do some damage on the nastiness in this world.

If you are doing something similar, I would love to hear about it! Please share in the comments and inspire me and others. xoxo

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