02 03 A Vintage Farmwife: Because I Promised 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Because I Promised


I am leaving for the She Speaks conference (read a little about last year's conference here and here)  later this afternoon, and I should be packing, and sorting, and making lists, and fixing large freezer meals for my husband, but instead, I am working on a blogpost....my 200th!

Kind of funny that last year as I was getting ready for the conference, our bathroom remodels were almost finished, and today I am finally going to show pics of the second bathroom. I promised I would show them, and I am sure that you could care less, but this has been eating at me, so today I am going to just DO it. Know what I mean?

We built our house years ago before people started building bathrooms bigger than some bedrooms. There were times in the past that I wished ours were bigger, but now I like the fact that I can swoop in and clean them in no time. I have other things I would rather do!

This bathroom is very narrow and pretty small, so I had trouble getting good pics without showing my reflection in the mirror. Trust me, you don't want to see me in my baggy t-shirt and volleyball shorts that the coach gave me when the team got new uniforms. A long time ago.

This bath is off our bedroom, so I used the same curtains to tie the two rooms together. I saw similar ones in an Ethan Allen showroom and was able to locate the same fabric online and whipped them up myself. Easy.

I had these pictures framed for my hubs a few years ago for his birthday. They are of his great-grandma, grandpa and uncles. Janice at my favorite paint store cut the mats for me, Pottery Barn style. I love the way they look and Brad loves the sentimental factor.

The chandy was moved from another room in the house and the light fixture is Restoration Hardware.

I forgot to take a picture of the glass shower door, but afterall, it is just a glass shower door.

All the dust and dirt and stress is just a memory now, and we are happy with how this little bath turned out.

Wishing you all a beautiful July day!

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