Monday, May 18, 2015

Fight the Frump: Camo Pants, Anyone?

We live in a land of hunters and I come from a family of them. My granddad hunted all kinds of birds and what he brought home was often the food for that day.An empty red or yellow shotgun shell was a familiar sight at their house, along with the dusty stuffed quail and the pheasant feathers stuck in a container on the desk.

My dad also hunted birds and his high school buddy, who became an airline pilot, often visited for a "hunt." To me, Jack lived a very exotic life, flying around the world. Our family wasn't able to take many vacations because LIVESTOCK, and we certainly didn't fly anywhere. One time Jack brought us sourdough bread from San Francisco-yum! I still haven't visited that city, but I sure hope to some day.

Anyway, I tell you all of this to bring up camo. When I washed my boys camo sweatshirts, coveralls, hats, and overalls, I never imagined that I would ever wear the brown, gray and tan pattern myself, but I started getting a hankering a couple of years ago when I began seeing them styled in adorable ways on the internet.

via pinterest

I resisted for a long time because I thought I was too old for the trend, but then I decided to live dangerously and jump into the camo pool. We live in the boonies, remember, and I didn't have time to drive close to an hour to shop for any, so I started looking online.

I found a pair by Kut From the Cloth on the Nordstrom website. I ended up ordering them from Amazon just because I could do it with one click and have them uber quickly since we are Prime members.

via pinterest

She Thought She Could

Aren't these outfits adorable? They are kind of winter-y, but you get the idea, and I'm sure you can come up with lots of ways to summer them up. To me, they have become my new neutral and I'm going to wear them with lots of different colored tops and shoes.

Not convinced? Here are some more ideas from Pinterest Told Me To, which is a great little fashion blog, by the way.

Yesterday, in the sermon, the speaker reminded us that as Christ followers, we are clothed in the righteousness or Christ. That, of course, is the prettiest outfit of all! However, I think God gets a kick out of HIS girls dressed appropriately in outfits that make them feel great. Afterall, HE DESIGNED THE FIRST GARMENTS FOR ADAM AND EVE!

Isn't that a cool thought?

So, what do you think? Will you join me in wearing cute camo pants?


Linking up to.....


  1. You look amazing!!!! You so can my friend...I think these are so adorable!!!! Wishing you a wonderful week and thank you for the inspiration!!! Nicole xo

  2. You can definitely rock the camo! Your top picture of the camo cargo's has me wanting a pair myself : ) Have a great weekend in whatever you wear.


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XOXO Susan