Thursday, April 24, 2014

My Top Five of Randomness

My poor little blog has been so neglected lately and I want to apologize for neglecting yours, too.

What the heck?

I retired from my 9-5 job and I'm supposed to be in charge of my own schedule. But, just like my mother used to say, "How did I ever find time to work for a paycheck?" I've been super busy and just can't do it all!

But, I've missed all of you, so I hope to stop by for a visit very soon.

I love to read posts about random things that people have discovered and incorporated into their everyday lives, so I thought I would share some products that have me clapping my hands here on the prairie.


This book by Mindy Kaling. 

This memoir had me laughing till I cried and reading whole pages to Brad so he could enjoy it with me. Mindy's dreams for the future made me like her even more. 

I sent her a tweet expressing my love for the book, but she must have missed it. So, Mindy, if you are reading this blogpost, "Big Hug, you sweet thing."


Has anyone else spent time trying to get your IPAD or Iphone at just the right angle so your neck and chin look better when you facetime? Ok. Maybe it's just me.

When my sweet neighbor, who was the flower girl in our wedding where I made her wear a hideous dress and Little House on the Prairie bonnet, (Sorry, Kelly) offered me a deal on some Mary Kay skin care products, I said yes, hoping for a miracle cure for ugly neck.

Well, there was no miracle, but I really do like these products. If you are in the market for skincare, I think you should give Mary Kay a whirl.


Holy Yoga. Always, Holy Yoga. 

I have completed my Holy Yoga Therapy certification and am just waiting for God to show me what direction he wants me to take with it. 


Do you use Essential Oils? I admit to originally having thoughts of snake oil and gullible people, until I gave them a try. Let's just say, I am a believer! I have been using Lavender to help me sleep and Peppermint and Breathe to help with my sinus issues.

I have been sleeping so much better and have almost quit taking my Allegra D. I did catch the upper respiratory junk that went around this winter and had to take antibiotics, but for the normal day to day sinus crud, the peppermint is really helping.

Doterra is the brand my friends use, so that is the brand I've used. 

I'd love to hear about your experiences with essential oils.


This song.

Kylie Phillips, the lead on this song, is one of my former students and church kids and friend of our youngest son. High Road 3 has just released a new CD and I predict this will be their first Top Ten Hit. 

Give it a listen and tell me what you think

My flowerbeds are calling, so this will be it for today. I hope your tulips are blooming and you have time to enjoy them!


  1. pretty nice blog, following :)

  2. I don't even try to look nice on Facetime as there is no possible way I could turn to look good! LOL
    Good to see a post from you!

  3. Can you please come take care of my flower beds too?
    I think I hear them calling you.
    I have not done yoga for a week due to my dreaded asthma and I am missing it so much.
    Hoping to get back in the swing tomorrow.

  4. Susan, I love the song and their voices are beautiful. I read parts of stories or books to my husband all the time. I just want him to enjoy or know what I do.LOL. Blessings to you for a wonderful weekend, xoxo,Susie

  5. Just TODAY my daughter and I were discussing essential oils and wondering where to get natural ones and I thought of YOU. Your timing is perfect with the blog post and recommendation! I was going to message you and ask where you get your oils and what brand you use. I am anxious to use some of them for sinus issues and also as an addition to some homemade cleaning products I am wanting to mix up and try. Happy you are enjoying your retirement but also glad to hear from you :)

  6. Hello lovely lady! It's so nice to visit you :) The song is incredibly beautiful - what special talent these young ladies have!

    Hugs to you!

  7. Adding the book to my reading list now. I'm on a bit of a memoir binge this year.

  8. Hi Susan! I love this post! I have never seen the show with Mindy Kaling but I've read interviews and such and she sounds like a breath of fresh air. I have to look up the book.

    I have a friend that swears by essential oils and I was interested in the lavender for sleeping. Now I'd love to try Breathe as my allergies have kicked up (just as I'm getting over a cold!). Do you have a website where I can get your brand?

    Congrats on your certification! I would love to get into yoga...I did it once with a friend and she didn't want to go back. I'm spineless so I didn't either! Ha!

    BTW, I have a guest post similar to yours up at Decor To Adore (.net). You may want to have peek.

    Take care. It was great hearing from you!


  9. Hi Susan! Did you put up a video of these two before? It looks familiar, but maybe it was someplace else.
    What lovely women with great voices. And she was your student? I wonder if you saw the path for her...

    Holy Yoga? You will have to do a post on that. I've never heard of it, but I pray that the Lord will lead you where you need to be :)
    Have a great weekend!

  10. hi sue, it seems only these past 3 or 4 months my neck has turned into some thing like a melting cheese blob :( im slapping thick cream on twice a day, i can not go around all summer wearing a scarf ! i think its actually my eyes have fallen so far there now on my neck :/ the best part of me left is my boobs and im darn sure they wouldnt wont them out on show in church on sunday ! i like the sound of holy yoga ?? , oh well im in bed with huge rollers in my hair to try give it a bit of omph with a pair of pants over the top, hubs is threatening to take a picture if im wearing it to bed !!! have a good sunday Gods blessings
    jan xxxx

  11. Kylie's voice is beautiful and I love the song! Lucky that I do have an angel at the crossroads :))) It made me think about how Landon and saves my life everyday. The Lord knew just what I needed when He sent him to me.
    You had me laughing about how to hide our necks. I don't have a smartphone so it isn't Facetime I'm worried about, it's when people have to REALLY see me face to face hahahah
    Hey... I use essential oils too. My daughter has me using a few. Love them.
    sending hugs your way...

  12. Oh...I love them all Susan but you had me at the oils! Do they really help with your sinuses?!?!? Goodness because I would love to find something to help me with mine! So good to hear from you and happy days to you! Nicole xoxo

  13. Hello, Yes Where have you BEEN?
    I use Young Living Essential oils I think they have been a gift to me in so many ways.Missing you!

  14. I, too, have neglected my blog a bit. But I'm rather like that with everything.
    I like funny memoirs, also have an ugly neck, don't do yoga (but I do love their pants!). Essential oils are something I'm looking into and tight harmonies are the BEST!

  15. This post made me smile because I do make sure I sit my computer straight on when I skype with my husband so you can't see my turkey neck. :)

    Have a lovely weekend!

  16. I've seen a lot of talk about essential oils floating around blog land lately. Definitely seems worth giving it a try. I need to check out Mindy's book, laughter is good for the soul!!


I am so glad you stopped by for a visit. I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment so we can become friends!

XOXO Susan