Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Grandma Mary's Honey Wheat Bread

Is there anything better than homemade bread? I don't think so. If you've never made it for your family, you MUST give it a try. They will love you for it!

We have been trying to limit the amount of preservatives that go into our bodies, so I have been trying to do more cooking from scratch.

Today, I tried my mother-in-law's recipe for Honey Wheat Bread, and I thought I would share it with you. It turned out great and makes two loaves-one for now and one for later.

If you have never made bread before, it can be a little intimidating, but I encourage you to give it a try. We have had quite a few laughs over the years at my sweet mother-in-law's stories of her bread making-trust me, dough really is quite forgiving.

I learned to make bread years ago in 4-H, so if a 13 year old can make it, so can you!

Grandma Mary's Honey Wheat Bread

1 c. milk
2 T. sugar
2 t. salt (recipe actually calls for 1 T. but that seems like way too much salt to me)
1/4 c. butter
1/2-3/4 c. honey (I used 3/4 c. local honey.)
1 1/2 c. warm water
2 pkg. yeast
2 1/2 c. all purpose flour
5 c. whole-wheat flour (not sifted)

Scald milk, add sugar, salt, butter, and honey. Stir to melt and cool to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in warm water, then add to milk mixture. (Follow directions on the yeast package.)

Add white flour and 2 1/2 c. of whole wheat flour. 
Beat until smooth.
Add rest of flour and knead for 10 minutes-great arm exercise!

Place in greased bowl and cover with a kitchen towel. Place in warm place to rise. (I put mine on top of my old pie safe.) Let rise until double.

Punch down and let rest for 5 minutes or so, then shape into two loaves and place in greased bread pans.

Let rise again and then bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes. Watch them because mine were done after about 30. Let cool for a few minutes in the pan and then dump onto a cooling rack.

This video shows you how to knead dough if you have never done it before. It is very therapeutic.

Don't be scared. You can do this!

Your kitchen will smell heavenly and your family will shower you with thanks.

What is your favorite bread recipe? Any bread making stories out there? I'd love to hear all about them!


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  1. That sounds like a wonderful recipe for bread. There is nothing that is quite like kneading bread, is there? I love it and don't do it often enough. I used to make a lot of cinnamon rolls from scratch. xo Diana

  2. Thank you for sharing that looks great!

  3. I tried baking bread once ... got a HUGE hockey puck instead of bread. I need to try again as we too are trying to reduce/eliminate all those artificial preservatives. When I do, I'll definitely try this as it sounds YUMMY!

  4. It looks delish, especially since we have given up gluten over at our house

  5. I love homemade bread (my husband says it is like eating candy) and love the whole process of it. The smell when it is baking is almost as good as eating it warm from the oven.

  6. Hi Susan! Just thinking about how your house smells makes me sigh.... Yum! I do love my bread.

    My Mom would make cinnamon rolls from scratch. We still make them for holidays. Lots of raising and punching down and rolling's a day project, but those rolls are AMAZING. Good for you for trying to decrease the amount of preservatives in food. I think that's a great idea.

    Enjoy your sounds heavenly :)

  7. Oh my that bread looks so good, I could come over and sneak some with a little butter and jam right now...Yummy

  8. I haven't made bread in years...but you're right homemade is the best!! And really not all that hard. Just time consuming. My mom used to make hamburg rolls and Swedish rye bread. Soooo good!!

  9. I love to bake, but I never really make homemade bread. This looks so delicious! I will be trying it. Pinned.

  10. One thing I love more than eating homemade bread is the smell of homemade bread baking. This looks divine!

  11. Hello Susan, I also love to bake bread! Not too much in the summer.
    I have been busy with working in my sewing room. Making a few gifts,
    For the holidays. Have you ever used your mixer for the first cup or two of flour? It has been the best trick ever in my opinion.
    Hope you're doing well!
    Blessings, Roxy

  12. Aw, I have bread in the oven right now! (A sunflower oat loaf) There's just nothing better. This looks amazing!


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XOXO Susan