Monday, September 23, 2013

Southern Living Idea House....Part 3

Good Morning, Dolls!

I apologize if it seems like I am dragging out this home tour, but I took gobs of pics and it is taking me lots of time to sort through, drool a bit, daydream about changes I want to make to our house, and do some editing.

Hope you enjoy today's look at the rest of the main house.

The Kitchen

Usually, the kitchen is the heart of the home. Since this house was designed to be a bed and breakfast, the kitchen doesn't take center stage. However it IS beautiful with many great features. Take a peek.......

I'm loving.....

  • the kitchen cabinet color
  • the built in china cabinets-there are more on the other walls, too
  • the use of two different finishes on the countertops
  • the trees in the big crocks-What kind of herb do you suppose those are?
  • the horizontal boards used on the walls
  • the little peek into the laundry room-do you see the skirted sink?

The Dining Room

This room was very simply decorated, with the windows taking center stage. Don't you just love those chairs?

The Main House Bedroom 

This room was small, but GORGEOUS! I was gaga over the furniture-an eclectic mix with lots of texture and a very interesting vibe.

I couldn't figure out a way to snap this without getting my self in the photo. I was having a bad hair day-don't be scared.

Main Bath

I have to admit I was a bit confused by this bathroom/locker room. The space was beautiful, but..... didn't make a lot of sense to me. I mean, we have stayed in bed and breakfasts several times, and have never needed so much closet space for only a night or two. Perhaps they were thinking guests would stay much longer than that, but if that is the case, I would prefer a couple of comfy chairs and some space to relax in the bedroom. But that is just me.

And I am no architect.

Or interior designer.

So I am sure the smart people who designed this know best.

The Study

Can you say cozy?

And green?

I wanted to pull a book off the shelf and get comfy. There was a great big TV on the wall across from the couch. 

I loved the picture above the couch, but the best take-away for me was the woodwork. In this room it was different than any other room in the house. I will take that as decorating permission to do that in our home. 

Some of our oak has got to go!

After all that, I'm going to grab some coffee and dream about sitting on this beautiful porch swing on this beautiful porch!

Have a great September day, friends!

Linking up today to.......


  1. The dining room and the study are my 2 favorites!

  2. Love the kitchen counter top, the book shelves and that porch!!

  3. I want to sit on that lovely porch, then take a bubble bath in that cute bathtub and then sleep in that sweet spindle bed. What fun to visit this place!

  4. Looks wonderful! I esp love the study, I could spend hours reading there.


I am so glad you stopped by for a visit. I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment so we can become friends!

XOXO Susan