02 03 A Vintage Farmwife: Friday Fashion Fun....No More Drive-By Shopping 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Friday Fashion Fun....No More Drive-By Shopping


I have always loved clothes and preferred to have lots of them. My mom used to make almost everything my sisters and I wore, and I often wonder how she did it. She made lots of dresses, homecoming suits, prom dresses, majorette costumes, and all manner of outfits for our various other activities. She did all this while working as a school secretary, gardening like a fiend, and talking on the phone for hours almost every morning. Go Mom!

I learned to sew from her and have made lots of clothes over the years. Unfortunately, those garments were always just a little bit "off". Perhaps they didn't fit quite right or I made wrong fabric choices, but I spent a lot of time painstakingly sewing things that didn't get worn much.

So I quit that.

And I became a drive-by shopper. That resulted in a ton of clothes and a stuffed closet, but me still basically wearing the same things over and over and over.

So I quit that.

Now before I purchase anything, I consider 3 things:

  1.  color
  2. cost per wear
  3. the other things in my closet that I could wear the item with-I shoot for 1 item 3 ways
  4. dress the body I have now, not the one I plan to have in the future
I had my "colors" done a long time ago and I now have a basic idea of the shades that don't do me any favors.

I don't spend much on items that are going to be trendy for only one season ( I was totally wrong about this round of maxi dresses-fail) or "event" clothes. I spend my $$ on items I will wear for multiple seasons.

Lots of fashion bloggers advise to buy things that can be worn at least 3 ways......great advice!

I decided not to wait until I lose 5 more pounds-or whatever your number is. Look your best NOW!

None of these ideas are original to me, but they have helped me trim down my closet and leave the house looking a bit more put together.

Most Importantly, I now have FUN getting dressed!

Outfit Inspiration for this week......

I love the way this jacket is styled. I'm copying it!
The Small Things Blog
I basically have some version of all of this in my closet now. Thanks, thesmallthingsblog!

That's it for today, friends.  Go out and have a wonderful day, and look cute doing it!

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