Monday, August 12, 2013

Rich and Yummy Bars

We are celebrating August birthdays on the farm tonight, so I have been in the kitchen most of the morning. Husband is smoking a pork loin and grilling burgers, and I am making sides. Everyone else will bring a yummy dish and we will end up with way too much food, like usual.

That is the way we roll!

I made an angel food cake with pink fluffy icing for the birthday girl-from a mix and the side collapsed when it was cooling, but it will still taste good. I may set a Barbie on the slope to try to make the best of it.

For our second dessert, I made a recipe that I have made a jillion times-Rich and Yummy Bars. They are always a hit and so very good, so I thought I would share them with my favorite blog reader-YOU!

Rich and Yummy Bars


1 can Eagle Brand milk
1 c. chocolate chips
2 T. butter
1 t. vanilla

1 c. brown sugar
1 stick butter
1 egg
1 t. vanilla
1 1/4 c. flour
1/4 t. salt
1/2 t. soda
1 1/2 c. oatmeal


Combine the Eagle Brand, chips, butter and vanilla in a heavy saucepan. Heat and stir until the chips are melted. (Give this a little taste to get a preview of how this tastes. Yum.)

Cream brown sugar, butter, egg, and vanilla until well mixed. Sift the dry ingredients. (Confession-I never sift but I try to be careful not to smoosh the flour into the measuring cup.) Add to creamed mixture and stir it up. Add oatmeal and mix.

Grease 9x13 pan and then pat almost all of the cookie mix into the pan. Pour the melted chocolate deliciousness over and then drop little pods of the cookie mix over the top. You should be able to see lots of chocolate.

Bake 20-25 minutes at 350.

What is your go-to dessert? I'd love to try it on my family!



  1. I wish I could come celebrate! It sounds like it's going to be a wonderful time with your family. My go-to dessert is no bake eclair cake. Heather

  2. OH YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! These aught to put a few inches on my hips for sure Susan! They sound soooo good!

  3. I remember my grandmother making these when she was alive
    They are delish
    Happy Birthday to everyone

  4. These look great! I have been trying to think of something different to put in the hubbys lunchbox. I will have to make him a batch! Thanks!!

  5. Those bars sound absolutely decadent- my family would love them. lol
    Happy Birthday to your sweet girl- xo Diana

  6. No doubt they are rich and yummy!

    Trying not to laugh about that cake ;)


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XOXO Susan