02 03 A Vintage Farmwife: For Everything There is a Season 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

For Everything There is a Season

Remember last week when I told you that I was going to start reading some "great" books as soon as I finished reading some fluff?

Last night I finished reading this memoir. I expected the author to be a kind, warm-fuzzy type since she loves to bake pies. Who ever heard of a hateful pie baker?


This gal, however, throws around the f-bomb and seemed rather self-centered and just plain mean in the first two-thirds of the book. I almost didn't finish it.

But, her whole personality seemed to change when she returned to Iowa, and she hooked me till the end when I read this paragraph.

           "There was nothing between Council Bluffs and Des Moines, except for farms-red barns, white wooden farmhouses and field divided by gravel roads exactly one mile apart. There was so much space here, yet every inch of it was filled with life. Each acre of black topsoil hosted tilled rows of plants, nourishment, crops of corn and soybeans, all growing, ripening, flourishing. Each barn was home to stalls of animals, sows and cows, all fattening up, preparing to feed a nation."

She is describing my world!!!!!!

This is the perfect intro to a little glimpse of spring 2012 on our farm.

The media often presents farmers as stupid hayseeds, and nothing could be further from the truth. I hope that my blog helps you to see rural life in a more realistic way.

We are very patriotic around here, so I was so tickled when this semi pulled up to the shed delivering seed. Love it!

For the first time EVER, we had corn up on March 31. Some years we aren't finished planting until July. This year we finished May 12. Crazy Spring! 

My farmers always wear hats, and they get very dirty. Hat wash day!

Farming is a family affair. (Don't worry. We are very careful around here.)

Tilling ground. This is what I help with, but this spring, I only drove the tractor one day.

This is the planter all folded up. Brad had just pulled into the field getting ready to start planting beans.

My guys eat lunch and dinner in the field during spring and fall. Here Brad is having a ditch-side picnic.

Successful farmers are not hayseeds.

They are not stupid.

They are not farming because it is the only thing they are capable of doing.

They are astute business men who love the land and wouldn't be happy doing anything else.


Linking up today to.... 

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