02 03 A Vintage Farmwife: She Speaks 2013...I'm Bubbling Over! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

She Speaks 2013...I'm Bubbling Over!


There is no way I can put down on paper all the wonderful experiences of She Speaks 2013. My head is just spinning from the wonderfulness (not a real word, I know) of it all as I try to process it and integrate it and receive it all deep within my soul. Therefore, I decided to come up with a Top Ten list.

My Top Ten Favorite Things of She Speaks 2013 in No Particular Order

1. Being in the presence of over 700 of my "soul" sisters. His Spirit in me danced with delight at the recognition of His Spirit in the women I met. We made "super-natural" connections.

2. Amazing Worship-Thank you Michael O'Brien and the other worship leaders!

3. Great messages from the Word! God was glorified in every speaker, and I was uplifted, challenged, and filled with gratitude for what Jesus has done for me and wants to do for everyone.

4. God Appointments- My friend and I randomly sat down by people all weekend long, and each time, we heard something to help us with our ministry, The Push.

5. I managed to give my little 5 minute speech in my Speaker Critique Group without passing out, AND I was blessed by each message of the other 11 girls in our group.

6. The hearts of the leaders of Proverbs 31 ministries. Lisa and all the others who work with her are letting God lead them and overflowed with love and generosity of spirit.

7. Rachel Wojo and all the other session leaders who challenged us to use social media to spread the love of Jesus and gave us tips to help us do it.

8. Bonding in a big way with Mandy Anderson, a girl with a huge heart and a big story that intersects with mine. I never dreamed God would place someone in my speaking group with whom I would have so much in common. I seldom meet anyone who shares a Cystic Fibrosis story.

9. The whole experience is just a glimpse of heaven-the fellowship when we get HOME is going to amazing! Don't miss it!

10. Spending quality time with my friend and coworker planning, and dreaming, and seeking God's heart for the work we are doing with our precious single moms.

Just about to burst with excitement!

She Speaks 2013 is over, but I am praying that it becomes more than just a memory! I don't want it to be just another great conference I attended. I want to let God transform me because of the experience. It was totally amazing, a genuine blessing, and a tiny taste of heaven.

If you have never attended, start saving your pennies and make it happen in 2014. If you are one of God's baby girls, you have a story to tell and he wants you to tell it. Our Jesus deserves the glory.

Have you ever attended She Speaks or another wonderful women's conference? Please share it with us in the comments. I would love it!

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