02 03 A Vintage Farmwife: Stay on the Wall 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Stay on the Wall

Have you ever heard of Kelly Minter? Well, I hadn't until this summer at She Speaks when I purchased a Bible study from her Living Room series. Edited: As I was doing yoga this morning, I remembered that actually I heard about this Nehemiah study first from another blogger. Then I saw the book for the first time at She Speaks. Keeping it real!

It lay in my stack untouched for weeks.

Her name came up again when I attended Women of Faith at the end of August. I hadn't even taken the time to pay attention to who the speakers were going to be at the conference that weekend, but I was interested to learn that  Kelly was going to be one of them.

She did a great job and I started her study soon after returning home-all fired up and rearing to go, I might add!

I've had a lot of distractions, but I am almost finished, and I must say it has been  good. Who knew Nehemiah could teach me so many lessons? I wrote about some of them here.

This is what smacked me in the face today.....

        "Ask God to show you if any part of your service to Him has become about you. Let Him clean out that 'storeroom' where you're housing your pride, selfishness, or personal ambition. Confess it to Him and then allow that space to be used for His renown and for building others up."


Then later in the morning while I was painting our guest bedroom (trying to do more "doing" *wink*) I listened to "This One Thing"  by Andy Stanley on his Your Move podcast (search Itunes for it, and you will no doubt want to listen to every sermon. He is GOOD.)

He used Nehemiah's words, " I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down," as the basis for a compelling reminder that we are all doing important relational things that we should not allow ourselves to be distracted from completing with excellence.

Nehemiah was one good role model.

If you are looking for a way to dig deeper into God's word, I don't think you would be disappointed if you chose Nehemiah, A Heart That Can Break by Kelly Minter.

                                 Nehemiah: A Heart That Can Break Member Book (Living Room (LifeWay))
Have you done any of her studies? Would you share your experience with us?

I'd love it. Thanks.


Linking up today....

Imparting Grace

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