02 03 A Vintage Farmwife: Daily Planner, Calendars, Journals, Diaries 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Daily Planner, Calendars, Journals, Diaries

Good Morning!

Are you drowning in journals and notebooks? Me too! My husband gets aggravated at the pile of stuff I surround myself with every morning and then leave in stacks by my favorite spot.

I have my gratitude journal.

My daily diary....

and my planner.

Which brings me to the topic of today, and I hope you can help me.

January is well under way, and I am still searching for just the PERFECT daily planner for 2013. Do you have any suggestions for me?
In the past, I've gone from little ones like this


to bigger ones like this......


only it wasn't for first graders.

Using this one involved drawing my own calendar each month, which was time consuming and got messier and messier as the year went on. I did like all those pages for the lists I like to keep of the books I read, movies we watch or want to watch, new restaurants we visit or want to visit, etc.

I also had room in there for sermon notes for the year, and space to journal when we took a trip. It was kind of nice to have the whole year in one spot.

Excuse me a moment while I think.

Wait a minute. That sounds like a great idea! I can even make a cute cover for it like this...

and that button and elastic will keep the pages from falling out about October.

I think I found my new planner!

Thank you so much for helping me decide. You guys are great!


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