02 03 A Vintage Farmwife: City Mouse/ Country Mouse 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

City Mouse/ Country Mouse

This post is part of my 31 Days of Transformation Series. Check the tab above for the rest of the series.

In our little town, we have a great little store called Bob's Hardware. It is owned by a very nice couple who is welcoming to everyone, so the store has become like our little community center. It is a great spot to go for a bottle of pop and a candy bar if you want to catch up on what is happening with friends and neighbors. They also carry a surprising amount of merchandise and we always try to shop there if we can.

Brad just happened to stop in yesterday and some long-lost cousins of the owners had stopped by as they were passing through on their way back to the Chicago area. They were enjoying the uniqueness of our little country store and visiting with the other customers.

At one point, they asked, "What do you do for fun around here?"

As Brad was recounting all of this to me, we cracked up at this point, coming up with all kinds of answers we wish he had said. We finally settled on......

"Well, I whittle, and my wife plays the jug."

Now, I don't want to leave the wrong impression about these nice folks. They weren't trying to be rude or insulting. They were just curious and couldn't imagine living so far away from the city lights.

I started thinking that as a kid, I just knew anyone who lived in the city was like the characters on As the World Turns, a favorite soap opera of my mom, her friends, and even my grandparents.

Fortunately, as an adult I know my stereotypical thinking was wrong. We really aren't all that different no matter where we live.

I bet we all do about the same things for fun. 

Today, we went to our granddaughter's soccer game, had lunch with her family at a local restaurant, took a drive through the countryside, and are having dinner with friends tonight. 

I'm curious-What did you do today?

Let's look for similarities where we find them and allow the differences to enrich all our lives.


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